Friday 20 March 2015

Inspirer Series - Tilleke Schwarz

The talk by Tilleke Schwarz I didn't find as relevant to the project I am currently working on as some of  the others I had attended, however as an embroidery student I recognised that his opportunity could be helpful for future reference. I loved hearing about where she finds her inspiration for each of her pieces, and I also liked learning about the different techniques she uses.

I found it interesting that she doesn't do any sketch book work before producing each final piece. She collects things such as paper cutting and objects that she likes or finds interesting and uses these to influence her work or copies them directly onto the material she's using. I found this fascinating as it is a method completely different to the way I would usually start my own work; but looking at her final pieces it shows her method is successful. It is something that I would potentially like to experiment with in my own work at some point, whether it's in my own personal projects or with my university driven projects.

She also added that most of the things she includes in her work are things that she likes. She explained that is why cats appear quite often.

Photographed below are a couple of images of Tilleke's work in whole and close up sections.

'I have known them all - 1992'

'Into the woods - 2002'

'Into the woods - 2002' (close up section)

'Deer - 2007' (close up section)

The work she produces consists primarily of cross-stitch and hand stitching. She explained to us that due to the embroidery techniques she uses, her pieces are often then priced quite high. However, her pieces are created mainly for pleasure rather than as a way of income.

I am mesmerized by some of the intricate stitching on her work, and the patience she has in finishing each one to her standard; especially in the areas of intense hand stitching.

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