Friday 8 May 2015

Final Week

Returning to the studio today with new ideas felt very refreshing, and I was excited to start progressing with the samples we felt had worked well. We began by listing the different elements of our installation and then organised how much time we had left in which to do them. This meant we were able to work towards targets to finishing each part. We then began to look at each of our sampled pieces and discuss the ways we could push each idea further.

Our installation will consist of:
  • nests/baskets made out of pva glue and string/raffia hanging in the space under the stairs
  • plastic bottles wrapped in different coloured raffia, containing cut up glow sticks hanging in the space under the stairs
  • metal washers knitted with mono filament hanging in the space under the stairs
  • different textured yarns knitted into strips to be tied to the top section of the scaffolding
  • smaller samples of the metal washers knitted with mono filament to be hanging from the top section of the scaffolding
  • cable ties to be attached to the netting on the top section of the scaffolding
  • spray painted plastic poles to be tied in a way that they can role to the lower section of the scaffolding
Although this sounds like a lot of work, the three of us work well together and are well motivated to completing this to the best of our ability with the time we have.

In first year one of my units involved knitting, however I had never managed to get to grips with the technique. I was therefore excited when the three of us started producing the knitted strips for our installation. After a couple of mistakes I found my feet with it and I'm glad I was able to give it another go and experiment with it in different ways with the assistance of Katie. Below are some of the strips we made (photographed in the space) as well as the hand knitted metal washers on mono filament samples.

'knitted strips'

'metal washers knitted with mono filament'

Having had already made the majority of the raffia wrapped bottles and string and raffia nests/baskets at home, we were then able to move onto spray painting the plastic poles. These didn't take too much time to do which we were happy about. Although most of the elements in our installation are not very time consuming, I don't feel this will mean the experience wont be as effective.

spray painted yellow and copper to fit in nicely
 along side the existing scaffolding

We are planning on connecting these all together with rope that fits with the colour palette we have chosen (red, yellow, green - we determined this by looking at all the images we has of the rooftop. We wanted out piece to fit nicely with what was already existing there and not be an eye sore).

Coming to the end of this project I have mixed emotions. I have enjoyed the learning curve that came with working in a group.

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